Hello Reader! And Happy New Year!
Spain and Germany have been a blast! There are so many things I could talk about, and not a lot of time before I head back to America. I think I need some more time to process everything before I can really draw out some good insights, but since I did promise to send lots of pics...
Let's take a look at Spain and Germany!
We'll start with Germany since I was only there a short time. Also, I got sick in Germany and ended up spending two of my three days there in bed which wasn't ideal but I'm really grateful I was able to have the one day I did!
The most important revelation I had about Germany was what they have in their grocery stores. Most of it felt fairly normal, but a few differences are lots of Cheese, lots of bread, and a TON of chocolate!
I feel like many Americans love cheese so it's a bit surprising to me that we don't have so many kinds in our grocery stores. I got to try three that were pretty good! I think we have Brie in America, but I also got to try Appenzeller and Bergkäse! In case you are curious, Bergkäse translates to "mountain cheese" which I think sounds pretty legit—not cheesy at all...
The other pics from Germany are in last weeks update!
On to Spain! This is where I've spent the bulk of my time so I've got some more to show!
To start with, I want to show you what being a tourist is really like. This next picture is the kind of thing you often see on social media.
And this picture is what everyone else around me actually saw.
I want to remember these pictures because I feel they are a good metaphor for life. We often think we're the only ones being stared at, but other people get weird looks when they take their photos too. Consider applying this perspective to aspects of life where you might think you're the "only one".
I'm not quite done exploring yet (heading back to America this weekend) so there are even more awesome sights to be seen in... Barcelona!
Best wishes to you and I hope you are able to get a small sense of what it's like here through these pics! It's definitely different to experience Europe for yourself (especially the cathedrals). I didn't know until after I had gotten here, but Spain is the number two travel destination in the world! (And it's also right next to the number one tourist country, France!) so if you are interested in visiting a foreign country I can recommend Spain for sure!
Keep your dream life in sight!
I am committed to helping you, 1. Understand what you want from life. 2. Discover your own potential is more than enough. 3. Succeed by your own definition of success. 4. Feel happiness in your relationships and daily life. 5. Give back by helping others to feel seen and loved. If those points sound like something you want some insight on, subscribe with your name and email at https://dreamlifeinsight.com (best option). Or subscribe with only your email below.
Dream Life Insight The problems with perfection Hi Reader! For a long time I was proud of my perfectionism. I wore it as a badge of honor—waving it before the world with a smile as I said something like, “I know it’s not good to be a perfectionist, but I just can’t help it”. Both phrases in that statement were a stretch—I could have been less of a perfectionist if I had really believed it would help me. Are you a perfectionist too? If you’re like me, it’s hard to change when you don’t...
Hello Reader! And welcome back for the third and final article in my series on awareness and strategies for depression! Previously, I gave background on what depression has been like for me and I shared the first strategy—internal family systems (IFS)—that has been changing my life. Today we’re jumping into the second strategy that has helped me make genuine progress in feeling less depressed and more emotionally resilient over time. (Disclaimer: I’m not a psychologist. What I’m sharing is...
Hello Reader! Welcome to another update from... Okay, I can't even finish the introduction. I'm too excited! Big news!!! On April 11th I'm launching my first live online course—"How to stop feeling overwhelmed and remove burnout from your life forever!" This is the culmination of years of study, trial & error, and over $1000 spent on books and therapy. I'm really excited about this because I know I can help people transform their lives like I have my own. Also, if you sign up in the next...